The Good Old Days

In the early days I just never believe that it would end. The days were hard and long and I just couldn't see past them. But quite suddenly I am standing here, saying goodbye to good friends as we all move on to other things and I realize, a sweet, hard, and beautiful season is coming to an end. 

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Jennie Heideman
Tell the Bees

It was upon hearing that question, as a 12-year-old girl, that I realized the beautiful, horrible reality. Our naivety cannot last forever and there is a time when we are told about or learn of the hurt of the world. As much as our keepers try to protect us, there comes a time when even they must slowly, gently, and carefully expose us to the truth that this world is incomparably broken. 

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First Post

If I know anything about writing (and for the record - I only know a little) it is that the best writing tells the truth. So here is the truth: I am absolutely terrified of putting myself out there. I love writing, but I am afraid of your criticism. I also hate being a hypocrite and when you freeze your thoughts in time through writing, you will almost always prove yourself to be a hypocrite.

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